About Us
We protect homeless families by providing shelter in a clean, safe, and warm environment and to help them break the homelessness cycle by assisting them toward self-sufficiency and into stable housing.
winter nights

Core Values

 We provide unwavering guidance and support so that families can work towards overcoming the barriers to sustainable housing. At Winter Nights we recognize the power of working TOGETHER.
We believe that a family is stronger TOGETHER. We understand that each family dynamic is unique and maintaining that uniqueness, minimizes stress, and is vital for success.
We believe a mixture of compassion and discipline is important for a successful journey towards sustainable living and a home. What is right for one family is not right for another. While we are engaging, warm and caring, we are also sensitive to boundaries.

Family First

We believe families are stronger TOGETHER. Adults who are part of the family unit when going homeless are welcomed in our program. Grandparents, older siblings. Whatever the dynamic that makes up a family is who we serve.

Humble Guidance

We are not above or below our clients. We are alongside them, supporting their journey. TOGETHER. We believe in providing a safe, warm, compassionate environment where families are welcomed and treated with respect, as any of us would hope to be treated.

Unwavering Support

We know the journey to self-sufficiency and into home is not easy. Our support is unwavering, but it is a journey we take TOGETHER. Our clients have expectations and boundaries that serve as templates for healthy, confident families.

Academic Stability

We believe in academic support and encouragement for children. We ensure that children continue to go to school where they went homeless, and we believe in the value of forming partnerships with teachers, parents, students and children. Working TOGETHER towards unique achievable academic  goals.

Complimentary Shelter

We commit to providing shelter and services without cost to clients. In this way, families can save for eventual housing and living independently. Clients commit to goals they set with their own experienced case manager, someone who has walked this journey too. TOGETHER a family and staff work out a plan for success.

Outstanding Staff

We hire and support knowledgeable and expert staff who meet TOGETHER regularly with the Program Director to discuss client progress and roadblocks. The staff is a solid team, handing off supervision and care from daytime to evening to overnight shifts, always aware of the ongoing dynamics of the shelter.

Ready to join us?

Help us to make a difference in the lives of homeless families in Contra Costa County, TOGETHER.