Legacy GivingLet Love Be Your Legacy
There are many ways to support your favorite charities while also making provision for your family through estate planning. Both you and your family may benefit from your generosity through tax-wise planning strategies. Please consult with your tax advisor to help choose your best options. Your gift will be used where the need is greatest.
Here are a few ways you can support Winter Nights Family Shelter Through Estate Planning:
• Leave a specific or residual gift in your will or trust
• Designate Winter Nights as a beneficiary of your IRA, retirement plan, or 401k
• Designate Winter Nights as a beneficiary of life insurance, and more
Sample Bequest Language
Below is sample language to leave a gift to Winter Nights through your will or trust.
To make a gift of a specific amount:
• “I give $_________ to Winter Nights, Inc, headquartered in Pleasant Hill, CA, for general purposes.”
To make a residual gift:
• “I give the residue (or ______% of the residue) of my estate to Winter Nights, Inc, headquartered in Pleasant Hill, CA, for general purposes.”